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Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension



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note 9050

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  1. Double Crop Soybean Recommendations for 2021

    produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to flowering and pod formation. ...

  2. Wheat Management by Growth Stage

    Stage 6 (first node visible).  This growth stage can be identified by examining the large tillers in the ... fields for the presence of the first node. Pull multiple large tillers, strip down the lower leaves and ... leaf sheaths on the stem, and check for the presence of the first node at the base of the stem. If this ...

  3. Upcoming Study Abroad Information Sessions

    programs is available at Contact Kelly Newlon or Difei Shen ...

  4. Elderberries

    propagate elderberries.  Growers can collect 2-4 node cuttings of the previous season’s growth when canes ...

  5. Wheat Growers Need to Prepare For Foliar Fungicide Application As Wheat Growth in Ohio Is Ahead Two Weeks

    multiple places, remove the lower leaves, and examine these tillers for the presence of nodes and the ... emergence of the flag leaf, Paul said. “At Feekes 6, the first node is visible at the base of the stem, ... about an inch or so above the soil line; at Feekes 7, two nodes are visible, one about 2 inches above ...

  6. Wheat Growth Stage: Scout for Foliar Diseases

    Current wheat growth stage range from Feekes 7 to Feekes 10. At Feekes 7, two nodes are visible, ... addition to the two nodes seen at Feekes 7, the tip of the flag leaf, the fourth leaf above the first node ...

  7. What is the Meaning of Feekes Growth Stages in Wheat?

    point is still below the soil surface. Feekes 6.0: first node visible. On reproductive tillers a visible ... knot, bump, or swollen tissue called the node is noticeable above the soil surface. The growing point, ... which includes the developing head or spike on reproductive tillers is above this node. Tiller ...

  8. Flood information available from OSU Ag Safety and Health website

    information-   ...

  9. How to Identify Late Season Soybean Diseases in 2020

    patches.  For Northern, there is a canker at the third node which girdles the plant.  For Southern, there ...

  10. Winter Wheat Concerns

    is a critical stage.  It is defined as: first node visible. On reproductive tillers a visible knot, ... bump, or swollen tissue called the node is noticeable above the soil surface. The growing point, which ... includes the developing head or spike on reproductive tillers is above this node.  Once the growing point ...
