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Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension



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note 9024

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  1. Ohio's Wheat May Have Escaped Frost Damage

    examine the growing point, which is located above the uppermost node. A healthy growing point will be ...

  2. Mid-Season Soybean Diseases – What can we Predict?

    infect the plant at the node.  Last year in the northeastern part of the state, we had our fungicide ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2005-14

    roots begin to elongate from the first stalk node in the crown area of plants shortly after leaf stage ... develop from subsequent stalk nodes over time, approximately at the same pace as the emergence of leaf ... collars, up to the 7th or 8th stalk node. By the time a plant reaches approximately V4 (four visible leaf ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-21

    in 10 different locations in your field.  To determine the level of injury, use the Node Injury ... Scale—this scale ranges from 1 to 3, were 0.5 is half of a node of roots damaged, 1 is a full node of roots ... damaged, 2 is 2 full nodes damage, etc. Any rating more than 1.0 in corn fields containing Cry3b1, or any ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-12

    point which contains the wheat head is located above the first node. Stems broken below the node will ... not form a head, but stems broken above the node can produce a head if the head can get out through ...

  6. Rains May Hold Up Corn Crop

    grow from the growing point below-ground nodes. This results in an unproductive plant that usually does ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-11

    Feekes growth stage 5-6 (leaf strongly erected to first node visible) and the other study at Feekes ... growth stage 7 (second node visible). Both studies found no significant yield difference as a result of ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2012-30

    nodes can easily be compressed when squeezing the stalk between thumb and finger. It is possible by ... vertical. If the stalk breaks between the ear and the lowest node, stalk rot is usually present. To minimize ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-26

    of the uppermost four nodes with a fully developed leaf has a pod that is at least 3/16 inch long. ... “Beer can” ear problems are often associated with multiple ear shoots per node. Several nodes of the ... affected plant may exhibit stunted ears and multiple ears per node.. Corn plants with stunted ears ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-11

    Feekes 6, the first node is visible at the base of the stem, about an inch or so above the soil line; at ... Feekes 7, two nodes are visible, one about 2 inches above the soil line and the other about 3-4 inches ... above the first; and at Feekes 8, in addition to the two nodes seen at Feekes 7, the tip of the flag ...
