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Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension



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note 9024

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  1. GENCOMM 1201T Exploring Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership

    Library   2. Databases All Research Databases  ...

  2. Wheat Heading Growth Stage

    Identify the flag leaf, which is the fourth leaf above the lowest node on the stem, and look at the ...

  3. Nitrogen Rate Recommendations for Wheat- 2018

    visible nodes). However, wheat is growing slow because of the cool temperatures. Nitrogen applied early ...

  4. Double Crop Soybean Production Guidelines

    as long as possible to produce nodes where pods can form before vegetative growth is slowed due to ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-29

    systems and the roots evaluated for rootworm injury using the 0-3 Node Injury Scale. When using the 0-3 ... scale, 0.00 = no damage to the root system, 1.00 = one node (or the equivalent of one node) removed from ... the root system, 2.00 = two nodes or the equivalent removed from the root system and 3.00 = three ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2007-19

    occurred. Modified Node-Injury Scale.   Rating Visible Damage to Roots 0 no visible damage to roots 0.05 ... chewed to 1.5 inches of stalk 0.5 half node of roots chewed to 1.5 inches of stalk 1 one node of roots ... destroyed 2 two nodes of roots destroyed 3 three nodes of roots destroyed   Sentinel Plot Update for June 25 ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-22

    economic injury has occurred. Modified Node-Injury Scale. Rating Visible Damage to Roots 0 no visible ... of stalk 0.1 one root chewed to 1.5 inches of stalk 0.5 half node of roots chewed to 1.5 inches of ... stalk 1 one node of roots destroyed 2 two nodes of roots destroyed 3 three nodes of roots destroyed ...

  8. Canada Thistle

    node) and are generally oblong with edges that are irregularly lobed and spiny. Leaves are dark green ...

  9. Wheat Nitrogen Rates

    before Feekes GS 7 (two visible nodes). Ohio State University recommends the Tri-State guide for N rates ...

  10. Ohio Farmers Making the Switch to Transgenic Corn

    feeding. You lose one root node and there's an immediate yield loss. More than one node lost and it ...
