Pregnancy and Infant Feeding
EFNEP (Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program) offers expectant and new parents up-to-date evidence-based information that promotes the health and well-being of expectant parents and infants, as well as tips and tools for infant and toddler feeding.
The series of nine weekly lessons fosters a safe supportive environment to share and exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences that support a healthy pregnancy.
EFNEP pregnancy and infant feeding lessons focus on a variety of topics including prenatal care, solid food introduction, nutrient-specific meals during pregnancy, etc. Expectant parents will gain knowledge on foods that will help promote a healthy pregnancy and the healthy development of infants and children. New parents will gain insight into the nutritional needs of their infant including human milk, formula feeding, and solid food introduction.
EFNEP pregnancy curriculum is taught in person and virtually across Ohio. Contact your local Extension office for more information.