LOOK to Ohio
Employers desire evidence of leadership skills and experiences in potential employees. High school students in Ohio are getting a jump start through their participation in LOOK to Ohio. LOOK stands for Leadership Opportunities for Organizational Knowledge and is an innovative teen leadership program that incorporates three main components: monthly place-based education classes, a blended learning course, and service learning projects. Visit the LOOK to Ohio website for more information.
LOOK to Ohio is an Ohio State University Extension Signature Program:
Ohio State University Extension's signature programs are a cornerstone of our strategic plan. They are interdisciplinary in nature, supported by focused marketing and promotion, and replicable across the state – with at least one offered in each county per year.
The Signature Programs:
- Target one or more of OSU Extension's six priorities (health and wellness; workforce development; thriving across the life span; sustainable food systems; engaged Ohioans, vibrant communities; and environmental quality).
- Address one or more of the three issues facing Ohio identified by a Fisher College of Business report (education, economy, health).
- Contribute to at least one of the three focus areas of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (food security, production, and human health; environmental quality and sustainability; and advanced bio-energy and bio-based products).