Ohio State University Extension Family and Consumer Sciences offer a variety of housing education programs. From first-time renters to experienced homebuyers we assist Ohioans throughout the housing process.
Franklin County HUD-Approved Counseling
Ohio State University Extension Franklin County offers HUD-approved housing counseling services and homebuyer education classes.
HUD-Approved Online Education and Counseling
Ohio State University Extension hosts an online self-paced homebuyer education course. Upon completion of the course, the homebuyer will be connected with a Certified HUD counselor.
Partnership with OHFA
Ohio State University Extension partners with Ohio Housing Finance Agency to provide homebuyer education counseling for their homebuyers. To learn more about this program contact Loibl.3@osu.edu
Rent Smart
Whether you are renting for the first time or transitioning back to renting, Rent Smart is for you! We'll cover how to plan for monthly expenses, find and maintain affordable housing, how to apply for a rental, and strategies for building positive relationships with your landlords and neighbors. Our next statewide offering of this series is May 2025, click on the blue "Rent Smart" words above to register. Connect with a local extension office to learn more about this program in your county.
Home Repair Lookup
Use our search tool to find local programs that could help you with paying for home repair, maintenance, and energy costs. This tool is free, but registration is required. By default, no information is displayed until you login.