CFAES Health and Wellness Champions
Looking for a little extra incentive to improve your overall health and wellness? The College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences’ health and wellness champions can assist in reaching your goals. Read more...
Poster Presentations
Susan Zies, Dan Remley, Shannon Smith, Jenny Lobb, Christine Kendle, Chelsea Pekny, Cheryl Spires, Joyce Riley and Jamie Dellified's poster, Dining With Diabetes Beyond the Kitchen an Online Course for Consumers, was presented at the 2018 Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (FNCE) in Washington DC.
Lauren Jones, associate professor and Extension state specialist, presented “The long-term effect of the Earned Income Tax Credit on the Physical and Mental Health of Women” at the O’Neil School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University on September 12, 2019.
Carolyn Gunther, associate professor and Extension state specialist, presented - “Securing a stop to the summer setback: policy and programmatic solutions to addressing the problem of poor nutritional health during the summer among children residing in low-income households” - at the 2018 Agricultural Research Congressional Exhibition and Reception, Washington DC.
Cäzilia Loibl, associate professor and Extension state specialist, conducted a training for the 15 members of the OSU Extension Housing Counseling Services team last Friday, which she directs. The team currently prepares for the HUD Housing Counselor certification exam. Guest speakers were Erin Higgins and Terri Gibbs of the Ohio Housing Finance Agency.
Mike Betz, associate professor and Extension state specialist, presented “Wage and Employment Growth in America’s Drug Epidemic: Is All Growth Created Equal?” at the annual meetings of the Population Association of America in Denver, CO.
Kate Shumaker, Holmes County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Food Safety During a Power Outage (June 15, 2022).
Candace Heer, Morrow County Extension educator, was quoted in The Columbus Dispatch: Tips for how to store your fresh fruits and vegetables from the farmers market (June 1, 2022); CFAES Chow Line: BBQ Safely: Be Careful when using Steel Grill Brushes (July 13, 2018)
Emily Marrison, Coshocton County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES News: Tips to Better Manage Holiday Spending (December 9, 2022); Tips to Keeping Holiday Spending in Check (November 4, 2021).
Alisha Barton, Miami County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Fridge Organization can Lessen Food Waste (April 9, 2021).
Beth Stefura, Mahoning County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Raw or Cooked Vegetables? (March 5, 2021); Healthy Ways to Improve Immunity (December 11, 2020).
Laura Stanton, Warren County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Reusable Containers Just One of Many Ways to Pack Waste-free Lunches (April 16, 2022).
Ana Claudia-Zubieta, Ohio SNAP-Ed director, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Tips to Save Money on Groceries (August 21, 2020).
Jim Bates, associate professor and field specialist for Family Wellness, article was featured in the Journal of Extension: Forming a Multistate Network: From Passion and Coincidence to Vision and Sustainability (February 2020 | Volume 58, Number 1).
Melinda Hill, Wayne County Extension Educator, and Treva Williams, Scioto County Extension Educator, were quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Handling Venison Safely During Harvesting and Preparation Key to Stemming Foodborne Illnesses (September 27, 2019).
Pat Brinkman, retired Fayette County Extension Educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Many Options for Potassium (September 20, 2019).
Amanda Bohlen, Washington County Extension Educator, Emily Marrison, Coshocton County Extension Educator, and Dee Jepsen, associate professor and Agricultural Communication, Education and Leadership (ACEL) specialist were quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Stress Task Force Offering Help to Struggling Ohio Farmers (August 14, 2019).
Collette Burdette, Coshocton County Extension SNAP-Ed program assistant, was quoted in the Coshocton Tribune regarding "Kids' classes focus on healthy eating." The article focuses on the SNAP-Ed nutrition program. (June 25, 2019).
Jami Dellifield, Hardin County Extension Educator, was a coauthor for a mult-state journal article, Developing and Implementing Farm Stress Training to Address Agricultural Producer Mental Health, published June 9, 2020 in Sage Publications; was quoted in Ohio's County Journal, Weather, Tariffs, Lack of Planting Yields Increasing Farm Stress, as an advocate for the mental health of the agriculture community (June 17, 2019).
Shari Gallup, Licking County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Spring is a Good Time to Increase and Diversify your Fruit and Vegetable Intake (April 1, 2022); Slow Cooker Safety (October 18, 2019); Healthy, Safe Lunch Options for Back to School (August 23, 2019); Learning to Dine with Diabetes (May 17, 2019); Springtime in Ohio is a Good Time for Strawberries, Asparagus, Other In-Season Produce (April 12, 2019).
Shannon Carter, Fairfield County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Considering A Gluten-Free Diet? (March 22, 2019).
Ingrid Adams, associate professor and Extension state specialist, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Modeling Healthy Eating is Beneficial to Children (March 8, 2019).
Irene Hatsu, associate professor and Extension state specialist, was quoted in Ohio State News: Diet Plays Key Role in ADHD Symptoms in Children (May 19, 2022); CFAES Chow Line: Binge drinking on the rise in certain populations (January 24, 2020); FDA Supports Standard Language to Help Avoid Food Label Confusion (June 7, 2019); Dietary Supplements to Gain Increased Federal Scrutiny (February 12, 2019); Some food allergies really aren’t food allergies (January 10, 2019); With Holiday Baking Season in Full Swing, a Reminder from CDC to Just Say No to Eating Raw Dough (December 14, 2018)
Misty Harmon (Perry County) and Jenny Lobb (Franklin County) were quoted in Surviving Holiday Stress, featured in the November 2018 issue of Columbus Parent magazine.
Dan Remley, associate professor and field specialist for Nutrition and Wellness, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Food Safety Knowledge, Not Luck, Needed to Cook Corned Beef Safely for St. Patrick’s Day (March 11, 2022); Cooking Corned Beef Safely, (March 12, 2021); Saving Money on Meals Using Slow Cookers (January 22, 2021); Black Licorice Warnings and Tips for Safe Halloween Celebrations (October 16, 2020); Help for Family Members Dealing with Diabetes (July 19, 2019); Dan, along with colleagues from the Kirwan Institute for the Study of Race and Ethnicity, Michigan State University and the University of Wisconsin, co-authored "An Expanded Understanding of the Ethical Importance of Civic Engagement in Food Sourcing Decisions at the Institutional Level" in the Public Philosophy Journal; co-authord a manuscript for the American Journal of Health Behavior: Chronic Health Condition Influences on Client Perceptions of Limited or Non-choice Food Pantries in Low-income, Rural Communities.
Susan Zies, Wood County Extension Educator, along with colleagues from Kansas State University and South Dakota State University, co-authored Examining the Role of Youth Empowerment in Preventing Adolescence Obesity in Low-Income Communities. The manuscript, accepted for publication in the Journal of Adolescence, will soon be published in ScienceDirect.
Sanja Ilic, associate professor and Extension state specialist, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Safe ways to thaw and cook a frozen turkey (November 18, 2022); Food Safety During a Power Outage (June 15, 2022); Thawing a Frozen Turkey Safely (November 19, 2021); Stay Safe Against Ohio Hepatitis A Outbreak (October 25, 2021); Food Safety After a Flood (August 18, 2021); Is it Food Poisoning? (February 25, 2021); Storing Small Holiday Meals Safely (Novermber 25, 2020); Avoid Hand Sanitizers that Contain Methanol Alcohol (July 20, 2020); Salad Recall Prompts Questions of Parasite (June 26, 2020); Canning expected to be big this year amid COVID-19 (May 29, 2020); Fresh Produce and COVID-19 (April 28, 2020); Cleaning and Disinfecting Amid COVID-19 (April 17, 2020); Going out for Valentine’s Day? Pay attention to the details when dining out (February 14, 2020); Super-safe food for Super Bowl Sunday (January 31, 2020); Hold the Raw, Unpasteurized Eggs from your Holiday Recipes (December 13, 2019); Romaine Lettuce Alert Affects Ohio, Other States (December 6, 2019); How long is too long for holiday leftovers? (November 22. 2019); New Research Shows Washing Raw Poultry Dangers (August 29, 2019); FDA Warns of Hepatitis A with Certain Frozen Blackberries (June 14, 2019); Improperly cooked hamburgers on the grill could make your Memorial Day memorable (May 24, 2019); Never a Good Idea to Wash Raw Poultry (May 9, 2019); Understanding Symptons of Food Poisoning (March 1, 2019); Some Raw Turkey Products Linked to Ongoing Salmonella Outbreak (February 22, 2019); A Year or Two is not Too Long to Use Uncooked Frozen Turkey (November 9, 2018); Tips for Dining out Safely (August 24, 2018)
Mike Betz, associate professor and Extension state specialist, co-authored “Wage and Employment Growth in America’s Drug Epidemic: Is All Growth Created Equal?” in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (September 11, 2018)
Jami Dellifield, Hardin County Extension Educator, and Amanda Raines, Hardin County 4-H Extension Educator, authored "Your Thought Matter: Navigating Mental Health." The 40-page publication, recently approved by national 4-H peer review, is available at Overview: What does mental health really mean? How many people are affected by mental health issues? Be part of the solution by learning the answers to those questions and more.
Carolyn Gunther, associate professor and Extension state specialist, is first and corresponding author on a new paper recently accepted by BMC Public Health. The article is titled “Child diet and health outcomes of the simple suppers program: a 10-week, 2-group quasi-experimental family meals trial”; was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Simple Suppers Make Mealtimes Fun and Easy for Families, Kids (August 3, 2018); published an article titled "Feasibility and acceptability of technology-based caregiver engagement strategies delivered in a summertime childhood obesity prevention intervention: results from an internal pilot of the Camp NERF (Nutrition, Education, Recreation, and Fitness)” in Springer Nature’s Journal – BMC Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Carol Smathers, assistant professor and Extension field specialist, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Is drinking more water your New Year’s resolution? If so, here’s how to do it. (January 17, 2020); Drinking More Water Can Mean Less Calories for Some Kids (April 26, 2019); Picky Eating a Natural Part of Early Childhoos (December 7, 2018); was published in the Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, “Organizational Readiness to Engage in Policy, System, and Environment Changes Supporting Positive Youth Development for Health: Case Studies from the Cooperative Extension System framed by the Transtheoretical Model.” Carol and Theresa Ferrari, professor and Extension 4-H specialist, were also published in the Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Levels of Community Change: A Game to Teach About Policy, System, and Environment Change. (July 2018)
Lauren Jones, associate professor and Extension state specialist, was published in the Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, entitled “The Impact of the Earned Income Tax Credit on Household Finances”; co-authored “Wage and Employment Growth in America’s Drug Epidemic: Is All Growth Created Equal?” in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics (September 11, 2018); co-authored a policy brief, The Earned Income Tax Benefit Increases the Financial Stability of Low-income Single Mothers, for the Economic Self-Sufficiency Policy Research Institute (June 12, 2018).
Jenny Lobb, Franklin County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: How to enjoy holiday meals without packing on the pounds (November 4, 2022); Pumpkin-Carving the Safe Way to Avoid Injury (October 8, 2021); Healthy Red Food Options for Juneteenth (June 18, 2021); COVID-19 Quarantine Weight Gain (March 26, 2021); Tips to Enjoy Holiday Meals Without Packing on the Pounds (November 13, 2020); Safe Holiday Celebrations (November 6, 2020); Kale can be a Crunchy, Healthy Snack (October 30, 2020); Fall a great time for apples, peaches, blueberries, in addition to pumpkins (September 11, 2020); First Day of Summer? A Look at What Fruits and Vegetables are in Season Now (June 19, 2020); Vitamin D and COVID-19 (June 12, 2020); New Nutrition Labels Reflect More Accurate Serving Sizes (February 21, 2020); The Difference Between Broth and Stock (February 7, 2020); How to handle diabetes during the holidays (November 15, 2019); Alternatives to Sugar (October 4, 2019); Fall Vegetable Options Plentiful (September 13, 2019); FDA Warns Consumers to Stop Drinking Sodium Chlorite Products (August 16, 2019); Understanding the New Food Nutrition Labels (February 8, 2019); Nontoxic Food Decorations Aren’t Always Edible (December 21, 2018); Holiday Indulgence in Moderation? (November 16, 2018); How to Carve Pumpkins Safely (October 26, 2018); Pizza Injuries in 2017? (September 14, 2018); Summer a Good Time for Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Other In-Season Produce (August 10, 2018); Summer a Good Time for Sweet Corn, Tomatoes, Other In-Season Produce (July 27, 2018)
Kate Shumaker, Holmes County Extension educator, was quoted in CFAES Chow Line: Food Safety After a Power Outage or Flood (June 21, 2019); Hard-boiled Eggs Safer Choice than Soft-boiled Eggs for Easter (April 19, 2019); New Tool Offers Chefs Guidance on Food Safety (March 28, 2018); Fridge Organization Key to Lessening Foodborne Illness Risk (September 21, 2018); Canning and Home Food Preservation (August 30, 2018); Two Cutting Boards are Better Than One (August 17, 2018)