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Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension


Beverage-Related Policies

April 4, 2016

An Assessment of Beverage-Related Policies Among Organizations in a Multi-Sector Community Coalition

Jennifer Lobb Carol Smathers Ellen Hashiguchi

The Journal of Science Policy & Governance recently published a study regarding beverage-related policies among 28 Ohio organizations during 2014 and 2015. The study, co-authored by Family and Consumer Sciences’ Jennifer Lobb, Carol Smathers and Sodexo’s Ellen Hashiguchi, examined organizational policies regarding the consumption of water as the healthy beverage of choice.

Typical beverages served at meetings, celebrations and special events included: water, coffee, tea, soft drinks (regular and diet), sports drinks, juice and milk. The study concluded that most organizations do not have written policies in place to discourage sugar sweetened beverage consumption to promote water as the healthy beverage choice. The study is available for download from the Journal of Science, Policy, and Governance.