CFAES Give Today
Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension


Brochure Order Form

SNAP-Ed Brochure Order Form

Use this order form to order more brochures used by the OSUE SNAP-Ed program

  • the Food Assistance Benefits brochures (how to apply for SNAP benefits)
  • Adult Participants brochures (to be given to potential participants)
  • K-2 and 3-5 brochures (for educators in schools)
  • Agency brochures (for potential partnering agencies)

Order form


  • To print brochures on office printer (Brochure sizes are 9 x 12" and are borderless. When printing on standard laser printer, please set your page size to Fit or Shrink Oversized Pages.)
  • SNAP Ed K-2 [PDF ]
  • SNAP Ed 3-5 [PDF ]
  • SNAP Ed Adults [PDF ]
  • SNAP Ed Agency [PDF ]
  • SNAP Ed Food Assistance Benefits [being updated]

Please contact Alaina Niebauer at 614-292-4481 or with any questions.