CFAES Give Today
Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension


Successful Co-Parenting

Successful Co-Parenting

Family Stability Presentations

Some of you have asked for the following presentations, given by Dr. Anastasia Snyder, HDFS state specialist, to be shared:

  • An Update on Family Trends in the U.S. and Ohio. Presented to FCS Extension, October 7, 2010 [PPT ]
  • Promoting Family Stability for Ohio's Children. Presented at Successful Co-Parenting In-service, Feb 16, 2011 [PPT ]

Successful Co-Parenting Evaluation

To help facilitate local and statewide Successful Co-Parenting evaluation data, we have developed the tools for you to assess the impact of your "Successful Co-Parenting" programs. To track your data and evaluate your programs, please utilize the evaluation form below:

  • Successful Co-Parenting Evaluation [PDF ]
  • Please submit completed forms by mail or email to Brian Butler:


Bulk Ordering

SCP Order Form [PDF ]

Please e-mail with any questions, or to order.