Marilyn R. Spiegel Excellence in Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Award
This $1,500 cash award recognizes an FCS Program Employee for significant programmatic strengths, major contributions, and innovative approaches achieved over the course of their Extension career. It is named in honor and memory of former FCS Assistant Director, Marilyn R. Spiegel, and is presented yearly at the OSU Extension Annual Conference or Recognition Program. Funding is provided from the interest income generated by the FCS Extension Development Fund.
All FCS Program Employees are eligible to be nominated for this award regardless of length of service or position, including the year they retire. Individuals may receive the award once during their OSU Extension career. Past Recipients: Doris Herringshaw [97], Joyce McDowell [98], Alma Saddam [99], Rose Fisher Merkowitz [00]; Ella Mae Bard [01]; Kathy Oliver [02], Beth Gaydos [03], Treva Williams [04], Chris Olinsky [05], Cindy Shuster [06], Lois Clark [07], Cindy Oliveri [08]; Deborah Angell [09]; Nancy Recker [10]; Linnette Goard [11]; Monadine Mattey [12]; Melinda Hill [13]; Lisa Barlage [14]; Pat Brinkman [15]; Kate Shumaker [17]; Michelle Treber [18]; Chris Kendle [19], Shannon Carter [20], Susan Zies [21], Margaret Jenkins [22], Shari Gallup [23].
Nomination Process
Nominations for this award must be made by an OSU Extension peer or team; individuals may not nominate themselves. An anonymous committee appointed by the FCS Assistant Director reviews the nominations and makes the award selection. Nominations are evaluated for considerable evidence of dynamic, effective and relevant educational programming and overall FCS Extension accomplishments.
The nomination packet should succinctly address each of the following items in three (3) typed pages or less:
- Describe the nominee’s overall Extension responsibilities. Be sure to include their name, title, work location, and number of years as an OSU Extension FCS program employee.
- Provide specific examples that illustrate excellence in significant programmatic strengths, major contributions, and innovative approaches achieved over the course of their FCS Extension career. Consider the following criteria as you make the nomination:
- evidence of strong programmatic evaluation;
- accomplishments have value beyond assigned work location;
- teamwork and collaboration have been integral to program planning and implementation;
- evidence of professional development/specialization and service to the profession;
- recognitions received (local, state, or national).
Attach a letter of support from the nominee’s supervisor. Include the letter in the nomination. It will not count against the 3-page limit.
Be sure to include your name, title, and office contact information. If a team/group is making the nomination, please list all team/group members. Keep your nomination a secret, as we like to surprise the recipient at the time the award is presented.
Application Deadline
Complete application award packets are due by 5pm on Friday, November 17, 2023 and can be sent to Assistant Director Pat Bebo in care of Please include the name of the award in the subject line of your submission. This is a firm deadline.
Score sheet for evaluating nominations can be found here: [DOC]