CFAES Give Today
Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension


Breakout Session descriptions

Wednesday, October 20, 2021


Breakout Session #1        11:00-11:45am

  • Tools, Resources, and Strategies to Promote Sustainability: Dan Remley, Courtney Woelfl, Alisha Barton, Audrey Dimmerling, Candace Heer, Myra Moss

Meeting ID  968 8155 5515 --- Password  FCS2021

Climate change and increasing pollution will present many challenges for our quality of life the 21st century. Collective actions that would reduce overall consumption, waste, and emissions are needed to mitigate these threats. In response, the Extension Sustainability Team has developed educational tools and resources to help individuals, organizations, and communities become more sustainable in their actions.

There are three purposes of this workshop. The first is to provide some research-based information on the growing threats of climate change and pollution and how individuals, organizations and communities can address these threats by becoming more sustainable. The second purpose is to introduce factsheets, tip sheets, short videos, meeting guides, a 4H Idea Starter, Lunch and Learn presentations, and a 3-D virtual home tour that promote sustainable every-day actions. The final purpose is to discuss how to market and sell sustainability to individuals at different levels of readiness to change.

  • Growing Together with KoKo's Kid's Club: A multi-agency partnership creating preschool gardens: Tanner Cooper-Risser, Ann Guinsler

Meeting ID  999 2222 7922 --- Password FCS2021

In partnership with Ann Guinsler, from Knox Community Hospital, this will be an interactive workshop on KoKo's Kid's Club: the gardening program we established at three of our Head Start Centers and at our local YMCA. Participants will learn about our experiences developing garden spaces at these four preschool locations in partnership with the preschool students and teachers. To be an engaging workshop we will include polls, videos showing examples of our gardening sites, a time for Q & A, a PowerPoint with illustrations for visual learners, and a time of physical activity to share the types of exercises we did with the preschool students in the garden.

  • Maintaining Relationships by Meeting the Needs of Mandated and Underserved Participants During a Pandemic: Roseanne Scammahorn, Misty Harmon

Meeting ID  916 4065 1379 --- Password FCS2021

The importance of meeting the needs of our clientele and our communities where they are has never been more important than during the past year and a half. As the pandemic increased and in-person programming was limited, whether by OSU or by our community partners, the need to adapt to meet our participant's needs, was more important than ever.

Misty Harmon and Roseanne Scammahorn will share how they created engaging environments and overcame obstacles while meeting the needs of their communities and reshaping the look of court-mandated curriculum during a pandemic. Perry and Darke Counties partner with local courts to provide classes that address wellness across the lifespan, specifically in the areas of parenting, co-parenting, substance use prevention, and life skills. These courses are part of the holistic wellness initiatives of our communities and thus were deemed to be essential programming.

As we pivoted our teaching practices with very short notice, a host of complications arose. From the basics of internet access and compatible devices to engaging with the participants, to verifying participant identity; meeting the needs of mandated participants during a pandemic pushed educators outside of their comfort zones. We will identify some obstacles associated with court-ordered participants and explain how motivational interviewing can help remove roadblocks, whether teaching face-to-face or virtually.
As we transition from all virtual to blended or all in-person programming, session attendees will learn how to identify barriers in the learning environment, restructure and develop programming alternatives, and meet their community needs where they are. Participants will use the same interactive activities during this session, as we did with our community partners to demonstrate interactive teaching. Participants will create a 5-step action plan to identify one tool or idea they would like to apply to their programming.

  • Extra Extra Read All About It!  Emily Marrison, Lorrissa Dunfee

Meeting ID  937 6690 9992 --- Password   FCS2021

One important way we find balance as educators is to use a variety of ways to engage and reach clientele. Outreach education through traditional newspaper and radio may not sound innovative or exciting in these modern times. However, it reaches a demographic in many of our counties that we may be missing with social media outlets alone. Lorrissa Dunfee and Emily Marrison have both received several Ohio JCEP and NEAFCS awards for radio, podcast, blog, and newspaper written communication.

This presentation is relevant as it is one way to be consistently present in your local community. According to Pew Research from 2020, there are few disparities between gender, income, and race as to social media use. However, there is still a difference with age. Less than half of adults over 65 use a social media site, while over 75% of other age groups do. Social media is important, but newspapers and radio are still very much alive and used by clientele as a reliable and trusted information source.

This presentation guarantees interaction using small group brainstorming about timely and relevant topics to write or talk about, catchy ways to start a column, etc. There will also be a time to role play a radio show with call-in questions. Advice will be shared about working to establish relationships with local media outlets. Sometimes this is challenging as the companies may have agreements that OSU will not sign.


Breakout #2        2:15-3:00pm

  • Why Diversity Trainings Aren’t Working- Whitney Gherman

Meeting ID   967 6731 1660  --- Password   FCS2021

The diversity trainings we are attending aren’t as effective as we’d like. Too often they feel like a visit from HR. A common misconception is they impose rules for what we can say or think. We need a new framework that creates safety in conversations about "DEI", one that centers those who have been the most harmed, and a plan of work that calms defensive mechanisms while building stamina among those that have been historically accommodated by organizations and systems. Drawing from somatic abolitionism and polyvagal theory, participants in this workshop will consider what it takes to move toward or sustain principles of belonging, equity, and inclusion. Whitney will facilitate group-led practices to confront the shame we feel in conversations about diversity and provide tools to engage in the work, even under the same old pressures. Participants will not be introduced to new terms or definitions. This workshop does not replace implicit bias training. Participants are expected to come with a readiness to turn inward and engage in critical self-reflection.

  • The Secret History of Home Economics and Family and Consumer Sciences: Patrice Powers-Barker, Melissa Rupp

Meeting ID   980 7448 8493  ---  Password  FCS2021

This session will use history and future planning to find and sustain balance in the midst of current change. Whether our work and position title are more along the lines of traditional Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) programming that covers all three healthies or particular to one of the healthies or specific to community nutrition (which all fall under the broad umbrella of FCS), this session will touch upon themes among all three healthies. The need to understand, relate and promote FCS is important to all of us for this field of work. We are fortunate to learn from history as well as be able to make action plans for a successful future.

This session will use the newly published book (2021) The Secret History of Home Economics: How Trailblazing Women Harnessed the Power of Home and Changed the Way We Live by Danielle Dreilinger as a source to look at where we’ve been and where we are going. Although the presenters recommend the book as a good read, participants to this session do not have to read the book beforehand. The co-presenters will offer a short history of Home Economics through Family and Consumer Sciences in the United States, highlight some of the great successes, conflicts and changes from the mid-1800s through current time. Dreilinger lists five recommendations in the conclusion of her book. Participants will review the recommendations and share (via chat, polls and discussion) on how we can promote this valuable profession. Participants will:

  • Discover inspiring (often untold) stories from the past professionals in our field of work
  • Learn from the past as we create present and future healthy life-work balance
  • Use Dreilinger’s five recommendations in the conclusion to inspire a 5-step action plan
  • Be inspired to add their current professional story to the contemporary narrative of FCS
  • Tools and information to help you help your local farmers market thrive: Christie Welch, Eric Barrett, Darlene Wolnik, Jaime Hadji

Meeting ID   936 1255 9885  ---  Password  FCS2021

To assist Ohio farmers markets learn from challenges and successes, the Direct Marketing Team is helping them evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their work in data collection. While the pandemic and all that it brought to our markets is hopefully a once in a lifetime event, the ability to use collected data for sound decision making will remain. For this reason, we are partnering with Farmers Market Coalition and Ohio Farmers Market Network to provide information, training, and resources to help not only Ohio farmers markets managers but also OSU Extension Educators to understand what type of data can help markets in decision making as well as what tools are currently available to assist in the process. 

Educators can use the information to strengthen their relationships with their local farmers markets.  Many times, FCS Educators and farmers markets realize that these markets are a critical access point to locally produced, heathy foods.  By working together to create a culture where data collection is imbedded in the market processes, educators and markets can gather data to help them better serve their communities.   Extension educators and farmers market managers across Ohio will gain a thorough understanding of current grassroots data collection systems across the U.S. and how to begin to imbed their own data collection systems suitable for their needs.

This session will share examples of how markets across the U.S. are collecting and using data to grow their markets.  It will share tools available that low-capacity markets can employ with a minimal amount of time to help them gather the data and information they need.  Join us to learn more about how you can benefit from data collection resources to help grow your programing around local foods.

  • Food and Nutrition Security: An integral part of Mental Health and Wellbeing: Irene Hatsu

Meeting ID   945 2255 0079 --- Password   FCS2021

For generations, the focus of food and nutrition research, as it relates to health, has always been on physical health with little to no emphasis on mental health. Within the last two decades, however, emerging evidence points to a relationship between what we eat and our mental health. This is not surprising, as the brain accounts for only 2% of the human body weight and yet represents 20%-50% of metabolic demand. About 75 years ago, the Minnesota Semi Starvation experiment showed that reducing caloric and micronutrients intake by 50% resulted in depression, anxiety, apathy, inattention etc. Currently, the diet quality of the general US population is relatively poor, with a large proportion consuming mostly ultra-processed food products. This decline in diet quality (which can be associated with food availability and access) has coincided with the ballooning mental health epidemic within the population. The World Health Organization currently estimates the global mental health lifetime prevalence to be 50%. Without a holistic approach to resolution, this epidemic will continue to expand. This workshop will discuss the evidence for nutrition’s importance in brain health and why it should be an important part of the approaches to improving mental health.

  • Implementing DLS: A framework for Parental Support Through Community Partnerships: Heather Reister, Genesis Horstman

Meeting ID   963 7337 0103  --- Password FCS2021

The Development of Living Skills (DLS) program goes beyond the typical parenting education class. DLS touches all aspects of a client’s life by delivering evidence-based education in four domains including resource management, health & wellness, home & safety, and parenting. What sets DLS apart is that the instructors deliver the education in the client's own home. For 35 years DLS has been making a positive impact on the lives of Butler County families. DLS educates and supports clients in times of family crisis and provides tools and an environment to foster change. With learned skills and support from DLS instructors, clients can learn to balance work, life and family needs which leads to a healthier family system overall.  Join us for an informational session as we share with our colleagues how to implement a DLS program in their home county.  The session will include a framework of the program including information on funding, referral sources, clients, and community partners.  There will be an interactive Q&A portion where participants can learn the pros and cons of offering a Living Skills program.


Thursday, October 21, 2021


Breakout #3        11:00-11:45am

  • Dreaming with Youth of Color through Photovoice & YPAR: Whitney Gherman

Meeting ID 961 2692 5403 --- Password FCS2021

Historically, academic and social institutions have ignored the perspectives of non-white youth. When, or if, youth of color are noted in research, they are often problematically conceptualized as either needing a savior to lift them out of their dangerous communities or as needing reform because they are a danger to their communities (Ferguson, 2002).  The Cooperative Extension System has no special immunity. When studied over time, the decision-making by Extension has reflected the priorities of the white farmer, then his wife, son, and daughter (Schor, 1986). Despite decades of recommendations to engage Black, Indigenous, and People of Color and their communities as equal partners in scholarship (Kellogg Commission on the Future of State and Land-Grant Universities, 1999), Extension remains vulnerable to racial prejudice. The need to address racial prejudice was especially apparent during the summer of 2020. The deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, and Breonna Taylor sparked a focus on ending racism across all social institutions, including K-12 schools and higher education.

Responding to racial injustice at the local level, Marion County FCS Educator mobilized activists, community residents, artists, and community-accountable scholars to participate in dreaming, writing, and developing a youth participatory action research project. A year later, Marion Dreamkeepers was developed to unveil the ways youth of color resist systems of domination and affirm themselves through organizing and friendship using photovoice and participating in youth-led action research.

Learn more about this special initiative funded by the Seed Fund for Racial Justice at The Ohio State University. Hear firsthand from some of the young people, witness their photographs, and reflect on their stories. Participants will also have an opportunity to learn how to replicate similar efforts in their own county.

  • Recommendations from the OSU Extension Life/Works Task Force: Jenny Lobb, David Marrison

Meeting ID 933 9349 7851 --- Password FCS2021

In this session, participants will have the opportunity to hear from the co-chairs of the OSU Extension Life/Works task force as they review recommendations from the task force report that was shared with OSU Extension administration at the start of 2021. Break out rooms will be utilized to provide participants with the opportunity to discuss the report's recommendations and brainstorm ways to implement them in their offices and lives.

  • The Health Benefits of Laughter: Roseanne Scammahorn, Kellie Lemly, Lorrissa Dunfee

Meeting ID 935 9114 5096 --- FCS2021

The Laughter Therapy Team will present an interactive workshop on the mental and physical health benefits of adding more laughter to your life. Laughter is a universal language that involves every major system in your body. It is spiritual, psychological, physical, and emotional. We do not have to agree on what we perceive as funny, but rather embrace the physical act of laughing together. Through laughter we are able to create relationships, ease a stressful situation, overcome a traumatic event, and even find a balance in our lives. 

The session will start with the history of laughter therapy and the key people who have established this practice. Understanding the evolution and research applied creates a foundation on which we can expand. Next, we will dig deeper into understanding how laughter can be the best medicine for stress, anxiety, pain management, and sustain balance within our lives.

As a group, we will practice laughter therapy together. This will give participants a real-life feel for how quickly laughter can have a positive impact and change the dynamic of a room. At the end of the session, everyone will have the basic skill set needed to lead their own laughter programming within their community or in their personal/professional life.

To create an interactive community, we will utilize components such as polling, breakout rooms, and Nearpod. The takeaway will be to create an action plan on how they will incorporate laughter into their lives in the next week utilizing the conference's 5-step action plan.

  • How FCS is Stepping Up for Ohio's Youngest Learners in the Midst of Change: Carol Smathers, Stacey Baker, Marie Economos, Margaret Jenkins, Heather Reister

Meeting ID 958 6062 6452 --- Password FCS2021

Much like a plant seedling needs special care in the early stages of life so do our youngest learners.  If you fail to nurture the seedling, it will struggle to become strong.  Investing our resources in Ohio’s early childhood initiatives will produce huge returns including children who grow up to be healthy, caring, and successful parents, workers, and community leaders we can rely on to advance our state’s most important agendas.  Ignore the seedling and it does not produce, ignore a child and the results will be the same.  This session is part one of a series that includes a panel of FCS colleagues from Extension’s Early Childhood Education (ECE) team discussing five of the most pressing issues affecting early childhood in Ohio.  Presenters will share the innovative and impactful Extension resources that exist and programs the ECE team is developing to address these needs in their local communities and throughout the state. The facilitator will engage participants through related online polls and quizzes, encouraging them to reflect on how these issues/resources may impact their personal or professional lives. Participants will have the opportunity to connect with panel members during an interactive Q&A session. 

Panel discussion topics focus on (1) the early childhood education workforce, (2) nutrition and food access, (3) co-parenting, (4) father engagement, and (5) the childcare tax credit. Panel members will highlight relevant statistics and recent policy changes. We plan to present a follow-up session (part two) at Extension Annual Conference focused on future cross-programmatic efforts to address these issues. The ECE panel is excited to share how Extension professionals can address issues critical to building strong foundations for Ohio’s children and to helping families find and sustain balance in the midst of change.

  • Money Day Program: Katie Schlagheck

Meeting ID 918 9288 2606 --- Password FCS2021

This session I will discuss the coordination and events for Money Day at the Ottawa County Fair. This includes coordination efforts with an emphasis on activities used at the event by OSU Extension. These activities and overall event may be adapted and/or replicated by others in FCS for different programming needs i.e. head start youth or families. Money Day at the Ottawa County Fair was re-introduced by me in July of 2015. The most recent event I had six financial institutions participate. Financial institutions get their own table and oversee their own activities and information. This year I developed an evaluation for participating financial institutions for feedback.

During the session I will engage participants via polls and chat box when talking about the different activities. For example, for Money Trivia, I will ask a few of the questions and session participants will answer either in the chat box or via a poll.


Breakout #4        1:00-1:45pm


  • Discover How FCS Professional Organizations Can Impact Your Life: Margaret Jenkins

Meeting ID 988 1176 8295 --- Password FCS2021 

Ohio continues to struggle to meet the needs of its citizens in the field of study focused on the science and art of living and working well in our complex world. Fortuitously, the critical need was exposed during 2020 and we all continue to grapple with the outcomes from the global pandemic and ensuing economic upheaval. Extension Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) professionals have a well-documented history outlined in History of Cooperative Extension Work that shows their beginnings in the agricultural societies of colonial times, in farmers institutes, in movable schools of agriculture and home economics. Today we call these societies, professional organizations. The very nature of FCS Body of Knowledge (BOK) along with the information-age dynamics challenge current professionals to assess, question value, and understand the purpose of FCS professional organizations.  It is time to use FCS’s Body of Knowledge as a strength not a liability. The past twenty years show what happens if a profession divides to conquer instead of remaining united to focus on the science of living and working well in a complex world.
The session will include (1) FCS historical perspective, (2) identification of professional organizations that focus on FCS Body of Knowledge, (3) explanation of the purpose and value of professional organizations for both our personal/ professional well-being, and (4) creation of a 5-step action plan to embrace FCS professional organizations resources including development of FCS learning communities. This session will incorporate personal stories shared by colleagues who are members of various FCS professional organizations.  They will be sharing their experiences in an interactive, learner centered forum.  Colleagues plan to present a follow-up session (part two) at Extension Annual Conference focused sharing FCS learning community developments as professionals seek balance in the midst of change.

  • Self Care... what is it and how do we do it?- Jenny Lobb

Meeting ID 959 6984 2468 --- Password FCS2021

In this interactive session we will explore the concept of self-care: what it is and how to practice it. While the information I will share as the presenter will not necessarily be new to participants, it will be presented in a way that will encourage participants to set a SMART goal related to self-care in the coming months. Participants will be encouraged to share ideas with one another. Resources from peers both within and outside of OSU Extension will be shared.

  • Practice What You Teach: Suanne Saggese, Udoka Durunna

Meeting ID 983 6468 6114 --- Password FCS2021

The transition of work from home to in-office is occurring statewide. From commuting to managing a teaching schedule, it is important that we maintain good health to carry out our roles in the community.

Most of us know about the benefits of healthy lifestyle. Whether you teach for EFNEP, SNAP-Ed or FCS, you’ve learned from various trainings and curriculum about nutrition and physical activity. How many of us follow and practice what we teach? Is there a way to incorporate this into work-life? 

During this presentation we will provide refreshers on how various nutrients can help maintain physical resilience and the benefits of physical activity.  Breakout discussions will allow groups to explore tips and strategies for planning healthy snacks and meals when time is tight. We will also provide tools to create accountability systems within the workplace to encourage healthy habits. After being away from the office for over a year, this presentation will help build confidence to becoming a healthier version of yourself.

  • Knowing Our Neighbors: Tanner Cooper-Risser, Antiracism work group members

Meeting ID 919 9976 6284 --- Password FCS2021

The SNAP-Ed Anti-Racism Resources Work group would like to present a one-hour interactive workshop at the FCS Conference titled Knowing Our Neighbors. We will begin our time with an interactive activity that will help center our audience on the topic of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion before we dive into the workshop. A poll at the beginning of the session will gauge what staff thoughts are regarding DEI work in Ohio SNAP-Ed. Presenters will share what our work group has accomplished and what our goals are for future Ohio SNAP-Ed programming. The presentation will focus on providing tools for a better understanding of the importance of the diversity in our communities and finding and working with diverse populations. We will hear testimony from a SNAP-Ed staff member about their journey to understanding the importance of reaching diverse populations in our program. Finally, we will provide tips and tools on how to expand our reach to marginalized and diverse people groups. A poll at the conclusion of the workshop will help us to understand how to proceed with further DEI activities and training for SNAP-Ed staff. This workshop will be designed to center around dialogue and conversation, but we will have material to share if people are less responsive.

  • Health Behaviors of Ohio Farmers: Implication for FCS Education- Dee Jepsen, Jill Kilanowski

Meeting ID 997 5518 9609 --- FCS2021

A health behaviors assessment of Ohio farmers was conducted in 2020. The importance of this data is that it provides OSU Extension, community hospitals, health departments, federal qualified centers, and agencies a better understanding of the health behaviors of the rural farming community. Future collaboration may exist between targeted health and wellness programming and other health-related service providers. Establishing these connections can create long-term community-based alliances supporting the needs of our agricultural producers and farm families.
This session will report data received from a Qualtrics cross-sectional study of 505 farmers where respondents self-reported practices on: sun exposure, sleep, physical activity, dietary habits, mental health, and alcohol use. The participants were predominately male, white, married, working full-time. The majority of farmers self-reported working in high intensity sun 6-or-more hours/day. Reliable survey scales indicated most farmers had problems sleeping and 10% had a mental health score indicating a major depression disorder is likely. Fruit/vegetable servings were less than nutritional recommendations, with obesity scores highest among Ohio farmers aged 55-64 years. Physical activity was self-reported at lower than recommended rates. One-third of males and more than one-quarter of females could be categorized as hazardous drinkers. The results show opportunities for additional education via OSUE FCS programming.