October 19
Pat Bebo
For this unprecedented year of 2020, the FCS conference theme FCS Resilient: Adapt, Change, Embrace speaks volumes to where we have been and where we are going as a program area and personally.
Last year’s theme, Growing Our Comfort Zones, may have provided a foundation for what we have experienced this year but could not have foretold the courage and creativity that you have used to approach and tame the crisis in your own way and in your own time. Rather than focus on the discomfort of such rapid change in an ever shifting environment, I would like to celebrate each and every member of the Extension FCS family for embracing a growth mindset, practicing selfcare when needed and being there to support each other as a community even though we meet in the cloud.
In some ways we know more about each other on a personal level than ever before. We’ve shared our houses, children, pets, learned to give and receive grace. We have come to understand that we are all at different points on the resiliency continuum and that’s okay. The most important thing to do is to keep moving forward, continue to build your resilience, embrace the new and unfamiliar as that will become the new familiar.
The conference agenda reflects our successes and our opportunities personally and professionally, I hope you will take the time leaps over the next two days to grow, recharge and renew your commitment to resilience...
Enjoy the conference!
Pat Bebo