CFAES Give Today
Family and Consumer Sciences

Ohio State University Extension


Breakout Sessions

2:40 p.m., October 28, 2020, Breakout Session 1

MyChoice Food Pantries: Tools, Resources, and Virtual Tour
Dan Remley and Jon Gladden
Moderators: Melissa Hoppes and ShaLise Simmons

Mental Health Needs for Aging Adults
Roseanne Scammahorn and Lorrissa Dunfee
Moderators: Deetra Huntington and Jared Morrison

Utilizing Somatic Awareness to Adapt, Change and Embrace Difficult Conversations
Laura Stanton and Whitney Gherman
Moderators: Stacey Baker and Amanda Rysz

Nearpod- Feel near when we are far apart
Emily Marrison
Moderators: Bridget Britton and Amanda Woods

Cooking Online Matters
Lisa Barlage, Denise Scharfetter, Debra Calvin, Johnna Miller and Jenna Haaser
Moderators: Susan Shickley and Amy Meehan

Beyond Bias-Extension of the Keynote
Brooke Cartus and Karen Hewitt
Moderator: Amy Kohmetscher

9:40 a.m., October 29, 2020, Breakout Session 2

SNAP-Ed Resilient: Models for Online Programs
Tanner Cooper-Risser and Deetra Huntington
Moderators: Carina Dickens and ShaLise Simmons

From Plant to Plate-Cross Programmatic Collaboration That Strengthens County Programming
Amy Stone and Patrice Powers-Barker
Moderators: Roseanne Scammahorn and Jared Morrison

FCS Resilient: Adapting, Changing, and Embracing Our Diversity
Laura Stanton
Moderator: Amanda Rysz

Black Lives Matter to FCS
Jenny Lobb and Bobbilyn Kasson
Moderators: Amanda Woods and Alaina Niebauer

Building Families Strengths by Supporting and Embracing Family Engagement in Our Changing World
Marie Economos, Heather Reister, Margret Jenkins and Lorrissa  Dunfee
Moderators: Margaret Jenkins and Amy Meehan

10:40 a.m., October 29, 2020, Breakout Session 3

Resilience: It Helps to Share Experiences
Greta Lynch
Moderators: ShaLise Simmons and Carina Dickens

PAX Tools
Heather Reister, Marie Economos and Amanda Bohlen
Moderators: Stacey Baker and Jared Morrison

Going Virtual - Real Money. Real World.
Amanda Woods, Lauren Jones, Elliott Lawrence, Allison Cooper and Cassaundra Dietrich
Moderators: Bridget Britton and Amanda Rysz

Creative Ways to Maintain a Strong Body and Mind During a Pandemic: A Physical and Mental Health Approach
Rachel Dilhoff, Angela Sorg, Brittney Schori, Caroline Everidge and Megan Peterson
Moderators: Alaina Niebauer and Deetra Huntington

COVID and Food Waste
Brian Roe and Kathryn Bender
Moderators: Susan Shickley and Amy Meehan

1:30 p.m., October 29, 2020, Breakout Session 4

Leading Down the Garden Path: Translating Leadership Research into School Garden Success
Sandra Stranne Miller, Carol Smathers and Haley Plahuta
Moderators: ShaLise Simmons and Carina Dickens

Making Powerful Impacts with a New Family Ecological Framework
Patrice Powers-Barker, Jim Bates, Emily Marrison, Melissa Rupp, Laura Stanton, Kathy Tutt, Courtney Woelfl and Erin Yelland
Moderators: Stacey Baker and Jared Morrison

GOING VIRTUAL: EFNEP’s journey in the wake of COVID-19
Suzanne Saggese, Mari Carmen Lambea, Kristen Matlack, Bobbilyn Kasson, Yvette Graham, Nancy Lyons and Amy Habig
Moderators: Melissa Hoppes and Amanda Rysz

Engaging youth to strengthen the health of their community: The Health Professions Affinity Community Program
Erik Porfeli and Gina Weisblat
Moderators: Amanda Woods and Deetra Huntington

Historical FCS Resilience in the Face of Change
Shannon Carter and Marilyn Sachs
Moderators: Roseanne Scammahorn and Amy Meehan