Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Columbus Zoo
9:00 Registration (Lakeside Pavilion)
10:00 Welcome from Greg Davis (Lakeside Pavilion)
10:30 Keynote - Growing our Comfort Zones, April Olt, ImproveEdge (Lakeside Pavilion)
11:30 EFNEP 50th Celebration (Lakeside Pavilion)
11:45 Physical Activity Break - Donna Green, Candace Heer (Lakeside Pavilion)
12:00 Guided Lunch Activity: "From Comfort Zone to Growth Zone"
Patrice Powers-Barker and Melissa Rupp (Lakeside Pavilion)
1:30 Breakouts into EFNEP/SNAP-Ed/FCS
EFNEP (Lakeside Pavilion)
SNAP-Ed (Lakeside Pavilion)
FCS (Water’s Edge Boardwalk 1)
3:00 Zoo Exploration and safe travels
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Fawcett Center
7:30-8:30 Breakfast
8:00-3:00 Biometric Screenings (Delaware)
8:30 Welcome from Pat Bebo (Grand Ballroom)
8:45 Ignite Session (Eight 5-minute presentations, Grand Ballroom)
- Diving In: Adapting Curriculum and Teaching for Refugee Populations-Tina Robbins
- Financial Coaching for Chronically Ill Individuals-Caezilia Loibl
- Extension Educators Host Annual Family and Consumer Sciences Teacher In-Service Day-Patrice Powers-Barker, Donna Green, Melissa Rupp, Katie Schlagheck, Cheryl Spires, Susan Zies
- Successful Collaboration with Local Food Councils-Alisha Barton
- Nutrition Education for Adult Disabled Populations-Alisha Barton
- The Voices for Food Project-Dan Remley
- The Celebrate Your Plate: Ohio SNAP-Ed’s social marketing campaign to increase fruit and vegetable consumption among low-income audiences-Beth Hustead
- Expanding Services in the Summer Food Program-Suzanne Saggese, Patrice Powers-Barker
9:30 Panel (Kayla Oberstadt, Cheryls Mahoney, Kenya Baker)
10:15 Physical Activity Break - Tanner Cooper-Risser
10:30 5 50-minute Breakout Sessions (Highland, Hancock, Monroe, Franklin/Hamilton, Clinton)
11:30 Lunch and Navigating for Success Recognition(Grand Ballroom)
12:45 Poster Session (Main Lobby)
1:40 5 50-minute Breakout Sessions (Highland, Ballroom D, Monroe, Clinton, Franklin/Hamilton)
2:40 5 50-minute Breakout Sessions (Hancock, Clinton, Monroe, Franklin/Hamilton, Ballroom D)
3:30 Safe travels