IRB Training (Required)
Click [here ] to download the PowerPoint presentation.
Scripts and Templates:
- Recruitment, Consent and Survey Scripts and Templates [PDF ]
- Recruitment Script / Recruitment Letter [DOC ]
- Participant List Template [DOC ]
Dining with Diabetes Curriculum
DWD Program Components [DOC ] - This describes details for teaching the dining with diabetes program and is helpful for new educators.
- Lesson One, Living with Diabetes [PPT ] widescreen revised design [PPT ]
- Lesson Two, Carbohydrates [PPT ] widescreen revised design [PPT ]
- Lesson Three, Fats and Sodium [PPT ] widescreen revised design [PPT ]
- Lesson Four, Putting it Together [PPT ] widescreen revised design [PPT ]
- All Recipes [PDF]
- Main Recipes [PDF ]
- Side Dish Recipes [PDF ]
- Dessert Recipes [PDF ]
- Holiday Recipes [PDF ]
- All Native American Recipes [PDF ]
Evaluation Instruments
Paper and pencil evaluations:
- DWD Pre Evaluation Form [PDF ]
- DWD Post Evaluation Form [PDF ]
- 3-6 Month Follow-Up Evaluation Form [PDF ]
Data entry portal for paper and pencil evaluations:
Paper evaluation Qualtrics link:
Data entry portal for paper and pencil evaluations (for classes taught prior to May 2022):
Electronic evaluations for classes taught virtually:
Pre-test Qualtrics link:
Post-test Qualtrics link:
Follow-up Qualtrics link:
NDWD data submission
Take Charge of Your Diabetes
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes PowerPoint [PPT ]
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes Flier [PPT ]
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes Evaluation
Take Charge of Your Diabetes During the Holidays
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes for the Holidays Flier [PPT ]
- Take Charge of Your Diabetes During the Holidays FaceBook ad samples [PPT ]
- Take Charge During the Holidays PowerPoint [PPT ]
- Take Charge During the Holidays Brochure [DOC ]
- Take Charge During the Hoidays Press Release [DOC ]
- Take Charge During the Holidays Evaluation Form [DOC ]
- Take Charge During the Holidays Evaluation
- Take Charge During the Holidays Recipes [PPT ]
Beyond the Kitchen DWD Online Course
- Beyond the Kitchen Flier Final [PDF ]
- b & w Beyond the Kitchen Flier Final [PDF ]
- Beyond the Kitchen Flier Postcard [PPT ]
- b & w Beyond the Kitchen Flier Postcard [PPT ]
- Beyond the Kitchen Flier Small [PPT ]
- b & w Beyond the Kitchen Flier Small [PPT ]
- Beyond the Kitchen Press Release [DOC ]
- Update highlighted words with local county information
Educator Resources
- Updated program component sheet [DOC ]
- Curriculum and usage agreement [PDF ]
- Online teaching guidelines from the National Team [DOC ]
- NDWD placemats
- Living with Diabetes - Problem Solving and Healthy Coping Strategies [Spanish versions]
- Being Active with Diabetes and Eating Healthier with Diabetes
- Physical Activity Goal Sheet [DOC ]
Other Resources
- DWD Online Resources [DOC ]
- Curriculum and usage agreement [DOC ]
- National Dining with Diabetes logo [PDF ]
- American Association of Diabetes Education (AADE7) logo [JPEG]
- National Dining with Diabetes Eating Healthy Placemat
- Physical Activity Goal Sheet [DOC ]
Retired Resources
- Activities, Games, and Supplies [DOC ]
- Spin Quest
- Bingo Cards
- Bingo -1 [DOC ]
- Bingo -2 [DOC ]
- Bingo -3 [DOC ]
- Bingo -4 [DOC ]
- Bingo -5 [DOC ]
- Bingo -6 [DOC ]
- Bingo -7 [DOC ]
- Bingo -8 [DOC ]
- Bingo -9 [DOC ]
- Bingo -10 [DOC ]
- Bingo -11 [DOC ]
- Bingo -12 [DOC ]
- Bingo -13 [DOC ]
- Bingo -14 [DOC ]
- Bingo -15 [DOC ]
- Bingo Blank Template [DOC ]
- Bingo Directions [DOC ]
- Diabetes Bingo [PUB]